Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Single Woman's 30 Day Blogging Challenge Day 13

Day 13: Describe how you met the last person you texted and talk about your friendship/relationship

Ok so I started this post yesterday and never got a chance to finish it. 
(See what had happened was...) 

But I did want to continue it even though I have texted other folks since I first started this post. But in general I like this post as well. The last person I texted was my linesister Brittney. I think it is appropriate that I talk about her in this post since her and I have been in constant communication this week about life in general. We have been texting back and forth about out life drama and always in the end, we come out of our conversations with a clearer picture of what we need to do to move forward. 

A little backstory....

Brittney and I went to middle school, high school and college together. I'm not exactly sure if it was middle school that we officially met though. All I remember is that I used to be a part of this organization called P.I.L.O.T. Program (Preparing Innovative Leaders of Tomorrow) in high school. One meeting, the founder of the organization began bragging about this 16 year old girl who was releasing her first book. That was what I associated Britt with: "The girl who wrote books". I was a part of the band and outside of P.I.L.O.T. I always was acquainted with her because of that. Her coming to UGA after me was probably when our relationship took a whole new level. Not only were we Redan Raiders, she lived in Brumby Hall where I worked, and eventually was a part of the Freshman Advisory Board like I was my freshman year. Because she started doing a lot of things like me (hehehe) I started calling her my protege. 

What has solidified our relationship even more is that Brittney and I crossed into the Zeta Psi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. the Spring of 2011. Now as linesisters, we have gone through sooo much together. We have lived together, traveled together, argued about the craziest things, and made some memories that will never be shared with the public. LOL 

I am thankful that God places people in your life that understand what you are going through. And sometimes when you are just out of order, they can be someone to put you in check. Britt and I are that for one another. Thank you for being the best mentee, linesister, friend ever.

Like I mentioned a bit earlier, she is an author. Check out her website here.

Enjoying the conversation? Join the 30 Single Woman's Blogging challenge here.

#thesw30 #single 

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