Thursday, October 31, 2013

30 Day Single Woman's Blogging Challenge Day 14

Day 14:   Describe the last moment you felt really, truly blissful

Ok so I am not alone. Mandy Hale has also been slacking in her posts as well. She just posted Day 14 so I figured I should go ahead and post mine. I actually started on this blog but really couldn't think of a moment that felt really, truly blissful and then this past weekend happened.

I work for the UGA Performing Arts Center and this season we launched a series of kids concerts for children ages 4-12. The concerts will feature the following Hugh Hodgson School of Music Ensembles: Wind Symphony, Percussion Ensemble, and Hodgson Singers. We titled the series The Saturday Morning Club. 

Since this was an event that we have never done before, of course we were nervous about the turnout. We did all we could in terms of advertising, dropping off brochures in different areas, and even ads in the newspapers but it was up to the parents to bring their children.

9:15 came around and the lobby began to fill with kids and their parents. It was a continuous flow.

Skip forward, the concert was amazing. The conductor had a projector set up and was very engaging to the children. She explained the different movements and had illustrations that made the kids laugh out loud. She showed them how to direct as a conductor and during a song they got an opportunity to direct different sections of the band.

After the concert we had an instrument petting zoo where kids got an opportunity to try out different instruments. It was an amazing sight. One kid was so involved with "playing" the trumpet that he began marching around the room doing his own field routine. 

In watching these kids whose eyes lit up once they heard a note come out of an instruments, or bobbing my head to the drumming of a kid playing "We will Rock You" to a parent telling me that her son wanted to hear more music was truly overwhelming in a good way. I felt truly blissful.

It is in experiences like this that will define their lives. It happened for me when I saw "Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe at the Alliance Theatre in elementary. It was then I knew I wanted to be in theatre and that I wanted to work at the Alliance one day. I hope Saturday was one of those experiences where a kid said, "I am going to be a conductor" or "I want to play for a symphony orchestra". 

Come and join the experience of our Saturday Morning Club!! Visit for more information.

Also if you want to join the conversation find more information here about the 30 Day Single Woman's Blogging Challenge (it's been more than 30 days but it's all good )  read more here.

#Thesw30 #single 

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