Day 11: Your worst/funniest/most embarrassing date
Ok so I am not really feeling this day. To be honest, I've always had good dates. Plus outside of my ex and when we dated, I have only been on two dates ... sooooo yeah there's that. Nothing exciting for this post.
(Hint: Somebody take me out on a date and maybe then I can add more to this post. LOL)
(Hint: Somebody take me out on a date and maybe then I can add more to this post. LOL)
Day 12: Your proudest accomplishment
I can say that thus far my proudest accomplishment was graduating from UGA. It really signified so much for me as a young woman. Being able to turn my tassel was liberating and paying homage to:
My mother, Crystal Jackson who would drive to Athens almost every other weekend to bring me groceries or supplies. She would scrap to transfer a few pennies in my account when my Housing paycheck was getting low. She would travel to see every show or travel to cook my residents breakfast.
My grandmother, Maxine Jackson who embodies strength in every fiber of her being. She taught me to be tough and push thru. My last semester was probably the hardest semester ever but I knew I had to keep pushing no matter what.
My aunt, Corliss Jackson who the older I get, the more I realize I am like her in many ways. She really does understand a lot of what I go through and even when she lectures, I know she comes from a great place.
My Uncle Skeeter who passed away in 2005. Although it doesn't hurt as much, I still find myself wanting to call him and tell him about what is going on. I remember that I would push myself each semester of high school to get all A's because if I did, my Uncle would send me $50. Even when I got to college, I was striving for the A's.
My degrees are a testament to these people and those who raised me, prayed for me, and supported me and my family. I am sure I will continue to have other accomplishments but as of today graduating tops it all.
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#thesw30 #single
congratulations! you've got a reason to be proud. please see mine here: