Thursday, October 31, 2013

30 Day Single Woman's Blogging Challenge Day 14

Day 14:   Describe the last moment you felt really, truly blissful

Ok so I am not alone. Mandy Hale has also been slacking in her posts as well. She just posted Day 14 so I figured I should go ahead and post mine. I actually started on this blog but really couldn't think of a moment that felt really, truly blissful and then this past weekend happened.

I work for the UGA Performing Arts Center and this season we launched a series of kids concerts for children ages 4-12. The concerts will feature the following Hugh Hodgson School of Music Ensembles: Wind Symphony, Percussion Ensemble, and Hodgson Singers. We titled the series The Saturday Morning Club. 

Since this was an event that we have never done before, of course we were nervous about the turnout. We did all we could in terms of advertising, dropping off brochures in different areas, and even ads in the newspapers but it was up to the parents to bring their children.

9:15 came around and the lobby began to fill with kids and their parents. It was a continuous flow.

Skip forward, the concert was amazing. The conductor had a projector set up and was very engaging to the children. She explained the different movements and had illustrations that made the kids laugh out loud. She showed them how to direct as a conductor and during a song they got an opportunity to direct different sections of the band.

After the concert we had an instrument petting zoo where kids got an opportunity to try out different instruments. It was an amazing sight. One kid was so involved with "playing" the trumpet that he began marching around the room doing his own field routine. 

In watching these kids whose eyes lit up once they heard a note come out of an instruments, or bobbing my head to the drumming of a kid playing "We will Rock You" to a parent telling me that her son wanted to hear more music was truly overwhelming in a good way. I felt truly blissful.

It is in experiences like this that will define their lives. It happened for me when I saw "Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe at the Alliance Theatre in elementary. It was then I knew I wanted to be in theatre and that I wanted to work at the Alliance one day. I hope Saturday was one of those experiences where a kid said, "I am going to be a conductor" or "I want to play for a symphony orchestra". 

Come and join the experience of our Saturday Morning Club!! Visit for more information.

Also if you want to join the conversation find more information here about the 30 Day Single Woman's Blogging Challenge (it's been more than 30 days but it's all good )  read more here.

#Thesw30 #single 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Single Woman's 30 Day Blogging Challenge Day 13

Day 13: Describe how you met the last person you texted and talk about your friendship/relationship

Ok so I started this post yesterday and never got a chance to finish it. 
(See what had happened was...) 

But I did want to continue it even though I have texted other folks since I first started this post. But in general I like this post as well. The last person I texted was my linesister Brittney. I think it is appropriate that I talk about her in this post since her and I have been in constant communication this week about life in general. We have been texting back and forth about out life drama and always in the end, we come out of our conversations with a clearer picture of what we need to do to move forward. 

A little backstory....

Brittney and I went to middle school, high school and college together. I'm not exactly sure if it was middle school that we officially met though. All I remember is that I used to be a part of this organization called P.I.L.O.T. Program (Preparing Innovative Leaders of Tomorrow) in high school. One meeting, the founder of the organization began bragging about this 16 year old girl who was releasing her first book. That was what I associated Britt with: "The girl who wrote books". I was a part of the band and outside of P.I.L.O.T. I always was acquainted with her because of that. Her coming to UGA after me was probably when our relationship took a whole new level. Not only were we Redan Raiders, she lived in Brumby Hall where I worked, and eventually was a part of the Freshman Advisory Board like I was my freshman year. Because she started doing a lot of things like me (hehehe) I started calling her my protege. 

What has solidified our relationship even more is that Brittney and I crossed into the Zeta Psi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. the Spring of 2011. Now as linesisters, we have gone through sooo much together. We have lived together, traveled together, argued about the craziest things, and made some memories that will never be shared with the public. LOL 

I am thankful that God places people in your life that understand what you are going through. And sometimes when you are just out of order, they can be someone to put you in check. Britt and I are that for one another. Thank you for being the best mentee, linesister, friend ever.

Like I mentioned a bit earlier, she is an author. Check out her website here.

Enjoying the conversation? Join the 30 Single Woman's Blogging challenge here.

#thesw30 #single 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Single Woman's 30 Day Blogging Challenge Days 11 & 12

Day 11:   Your worst/funniest/most embarrassing date
Ok so I am not really feeling this day. To be honest, I've always had good dates. Plus outside of my ex and when we dated, I have only been on two dates ... sooooo yeah there's that. Nothing exciting for this post. 
(Hint: Somebody take me out on a date and maybe then I can add more to this post. LOL)
Day 12:  Your proudest accomplishment
I can say that thus far my proudest accomplishment was graduating from UGA. It really signified so much for me as a young woman. Being able to turn my tassel was liberating and paying homage to:
My mother, Crystal Jackson who would drive to Athens almost every other weekend to bring me groceries or supplies. She would scrap to transfer a few pennies in my account when my Housing paycheck was getting low. She would travel to see every show or travel to cook my residents breakfast. 
My grandmother, Maxine Jackson who embodies strength in every fiber of her being. She taught me to be tough and push thru. My last semester was probably the hardest semester ever but I knew I had to keep pushing no matter what.
My aunt, Corliss Jackson who the older I get, the more I realize I am like her in many ways. She really does understand a lot of what I go through and even when she lectures, I know she comes from a great place.
My Uncle Skeeter who passed away in 2005. Although it doesn't hurt as much, I still find myself wanting to call him and tell him about what is going on. I remember that I would push myself each semester of high school to get all A's because if I did, my Uncle would send me $50. Even when I got to college, I was striving for the A's. 
My degrees are a testament to these people and those who raised me, prayed for me, and supported me and my family. I am sure I will continue to have other accomplishments but as  of today graduating tops it all. 

Like this post? Well read the others on my blog now! :)
But also if you want to join the conversation, read more about it here
#thesw30 #single 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Single Woman's 30 Day Blog Challenge Day 10

Day 10:  Google the meaning of your name and talk about how it fits or doesn’t fit you.

I think that this day is my favorite so far. So I read a while ago that my name "Bridgette" or "Bridget" was of Irish origin meaning strong. 

Pretty But seriously I think I have been created to withstand some pretty harsh things and throughout it all God equips me to make it.

But I did Google my name today and some more cool things popped up.

Here is what wiki says:

Bridget or Brigid is a Celtic/Irish female name derived from the noun brĂ­gh, meaning "power, strength, vigor, virtue". An alternate meaning of the name is "exalted one". Its popularity, especially in Ireland, is largely related to the popularity of Saint Brigid of Kildare, who was so popular in Ireland she was known as "Mary of the Gael". This saint took on many of the characteristics of the early Celtic goddess Brigid, who was the goddess of agriculture and healing and possibly also of poetry and fire.

Ok for those who know me. This is some good stuff right?

I think this really does fit me. I mean I really like the aspect of the characteristics of the goddesses. POETRY of course being one of the main ones. 

But the main words that my name means:

I am proud to say that I possess each of those qualities. I am in no way perfect but I am glad that my name carries with it qualities that I strive to uphold each and every day. 

Have you been reading the blogging challenging posts? Go ahead and catch up now! But also if you want to join the challenge, read more here.


The Single Woman's 30 Day Blog Challenge Day 9

Day 9: Your favorite “weird/funny single behavior” – Anything you do that is uniquely YOU and that living alone allows you to do 
Mmmm this one I really have to think about...................................................................
(still thinking) ............................................................................................ Lol
Ok so for me I am all about routines. There is a specific way I do everything. It may seem like I am all over the place but there is a method to my madness.
So a weird single behavior for me is how I come into my apartment after work. This happens the same way, every day/every time I come into the apartment. 
Step 1: Click on the lamp near the left wall. (yes it's specific) 
Step 2: Find my lighter
Step 3: Light all the candles in my apartment. Start with the bedroom, then bathroom, the two candles on the dining table, the one on my bookstand, and last the one in my kitchen.
Step 4: Turn on chill mood music. (This varies on which artist I am obssessed with at the moment, right now it's Drake)
Step 5: Began cooking dinner and lunch for the next day.
I may pick up the phone if someone calls or text but I really try to have this moment to wind down without any distractions. Mmm what do you think, is it weird? Sorry I don't have a funny thing that I do. Well at least not to my knowledge, my friends may think otherwise. 
I will share Day 10 today as well. I am behind. lol 

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Single Woman's 30 Day Blog Challenge Day 8

Day 8:  Five things that are most important to you in a future mate

Ok this is simple enough and I touched on a bit of it in the last post 

But here are five things that are most important to me in a future mate:

1. A follower of Christ

- I can't follow a man leading a path to hell. Point. blank. period

2. A great sense of humor

I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh, Maya Angelou

3. An attractive mind

- Ok so I will explain this one a little bit. I want someone who will engage me beyond their physical attractiveness. You can be fine all day long but if you are stupid, it's not cute. I need to have conversations with my future mate about everything! I want them to teach me things. One thing I loved about my ex was this he loved politics. I hated politics but I loved how he would talk about them and his passion would get me interested. I would find myself watching CNN more just so that I could talk to him later on about the subject. My future mate will need that. I want to have one conversation and feel like I can talk to that person for the rest of my life and not think I can't make it past the next hour.

4. Someone who is passionate

- Passionate about something. I always ask this to guys I am interested in, "What do you want out of life?" Some find it weird. Some have gave some crazy answers. Perhaps the best answer I got was, " I want to create a generation of artists". I was hooked immediately. Lol. But in all seriousness, a guy who knows what they want out of life and maybe not all of the details (because I don't know either) but is willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish that end goal.

5. Someone who is genuine

- Dishonesty is so unattractive. I don't need anyone to sugarcoat anything. Let me know the truth and I will make the decision how I will move forward. No matter what the truth is, let me know. Bump what society says is right. I need honesty from beginning to end and I promise you will get the same.

That's all I got. 

Want to join the conversation? Find out more details here.

#thesw30 #single 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Single Women's 30 Day Blog Challenge Days 6 & 7

Day 6: Sound off on the quote “Every woman has the exact love life she wants”
I haven't heard this quote before the challenge but I have heard similar things like:
"Women set the standards for how you want to be treated" or "You get the respect you want"
Something like that
But in thinking about "Every woman has the exact love she wants"
Mmmmm never really thought about it. 
What is the exact love I want? 
- I want a love that involves God. I have to be comfortable about talking to God with my partner. This includes being able to share all of my thoughts about faith, being able to pray with that person, going to bible study, someone who will wake me up to go to church, and someone who wants us both to be closer to Christ.
- I want a love that can deal with my "artist" persona. I tweet about it. I talk about it all the time. I am an artist. And when I say that, it is more than just the art I create but how I view the world. I want a love that understands it even if they don't. A love that will ask questions about what I love about being an artist and want to be a partner in creating art. I want a love that will go to plays with me, listen to me recite poetry and be my audience when I am trying out new pieces.
- I want a love who won't judge me because I watch Disney and will watch it with me. (seriously) Real talk, it is a happy moment in my life when I can watch Good Luck Charlie.
- I want a love that loves being around family. I love my family. Everyone is welcome to my home and I think it is a point of pride that my family will treat you as if they raised you. If you get to know us, we will spoil you. I want a love who wants that and respects my family.
- I want a love who will answer the phone at 4am if I call because I can't sleep.
- I want a love that will listen to music with me and analyze it with me.
- I want a love that will inspire me.
- I want a love who will be adventerous with me. Where one Saturday if we have nothing else to do, we will just randomly go somewhere and take whacky pictures of our fun. 
- I want a love that will be patient, because I can be stubborn. A love that won't give up when things get frustrating. Someone who is willing to deal with the downs and willing to make things work. 
So back to the quote "Every woman has the exact love she wants". I know what I want, and I am confident God will send that person along.
Day 7:   Where you are in your life vs. where you thought you would be at this point
I'm not that good at planning ahead. I never really did too much with thinking where my life would be at 24. The closet thing I did was create a 5 year plan in my last year of college. I took a Senior Seminar class and our final project included laying out what the next 5 years would be. I created mine and was pretty satisfied with it. Now as I think about it, I really don't remember the details but the highlights were:
- Get a fellowship with a theatre company in DC
- Go to graduate school 
Mmm that's all I remember lol
I know in general that I really wanted to go to DC.
Well in reality, I never made it there. Actually right after I graduated, I went to Chicago. And then out of all places, I returned to Athens and began working at my alma mater. 
I have no regrets though. And when I think about it, sometimes it is better not to have so many plans. God always sees bigger and better things for you.
Isaiah 55:8-9 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.
Join the conversation! Interested in joining the 30 day blog challenge?? Find out more here.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

30 Day Blogger Challenge Day 5

Day 5
The biggest misconception you think people have about single life

There is not one blueprint for being single. I think that is the biggest misconception.

Everyone is different. You have to find your own groove. And I remember when I became single, I was searching to definite answers on what to do, how to act or where to go. 
Like there was a handbook listed. (Silly little rabbit)

I have come to realize that being single is me being single and no one else. I can share my stories with others and others can do the same, but at the end of the day, some things work for me and only me.

I am a social person but I am not out here partying every weekend. I like social hours and movie nights and dinners. 

I like browsing the local magazine for random events to go to and make a decision to go alone. Or some nights like tonight, I will have tickets to an event and I text to see who wants to come. 

Some days the best thing I do is listen to my "Get Me Through" playlist and all is well with the world.

Certain rhythms I have developed on my own and others I have picked up from others but I'm not searching for one detailed outline on the single life.

That's freedom.

Make your own blueprint folks!

Interested in joining the 30 Day Single Woman Blogging Challenge? Find out more information here.

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Single Women's 30 Day Blogger Challenge

So on Twitter and Instagram, I follow Mandy Hale, author of The Single Woman. I have not read the book just yet but for over a year, I have followed her on Twitter and she has just had the right things to say. I can truly say, it has been a blessing to read her blog and tweets. 

Find more about her here

This month she issued a 30 day blogging challenge and today's post really just hit home and I decided to join in. Besides with the exception of Tumblr, I have not done too much blogging on this site.

I need to catch up on the first few days which I will do here. If you want to join in, see more details here:

Day 1:
1)      Your response to everyone’s favorite question: “And why are YOU still single?”

- I have been single for about 2 years now. And the easiest answer is that I was still holding on to my ex. We were together for 5 years. At this present time, he has moved on and I wish him the best of luck. That chapter is now closed and I need to learn to be ok with being by myself and developing my relationship with God. 
Note: This is probably the first time I have truly been able to admit that...progress folks. progress.

Day 2:
2)      Describe a moment or a day when being single really sucked.
- Oh wow.... I say in general I am an open book. I like to share so much of my life with others. I have come to terms that I am a communal person. But in terms of being single, there is just something about having a companion. Moments when being single really suck is when I want to call a guy late at night and talk for hours about my life. Or wanting to go out to the movies, listen to a new cd with a guy, read my poetry. 
The moments where I realize the absence of a companion in my life is when single life sucks.

Day 3:
3)      Describe a moment or a day when being single was really awesome.
- When I lived in Chicago and celebrated my 23rd birthday was probably the best day where single was awesome. I brought in my birthday at this bar where there was a James Brown cover band. I found myself dancing with all of these artists (some I knew but others I just met) and them passing the word around the bar that it was my birthday. The entire day I was on my own schedule and hung out with whoever I wanted. I walked from my job at Steppenwolf to the beach and sat along the water and wrote. It was the best feeling ever. I have had more days like that but I think that was one of the first days where I was glad that I was single. 

Day 4 (which is where the challenge is today)
4)      Your biggest fear as a single person.
-  I will miss out on someone great because I haven't truly healed from my past. I am sure that I am not the only one who may feel this way. It is a constant thought. Can I truly be with someone? I did have a great relationship at one point and it didn't work. Is there something wrong with me? Could I have another great relationship in the future? It all gets overwhelming. Sometimes it's better to block it all out. I try to stay busy and not think at all about my fears. 

I loved what Mandy had to say today about fears on her blog:
Lean into your fears. Don’t run from them. Feel them. Sit with them. Validate them. Then let them go and trust that God’s plan is best, however much it might line up with or deviate from your plans. How do I know this? Because as He says in one of my very favorite scriptures: “For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

I have always ran from my fears and maybe it's time to stop. Accept them and give them to God.

This is a crazy month for me at work but I am committed to finishing this challenge. Hold me accountable readers and spread the word. God always reveals the right opportunities to me and I think this challenge will bring out some great things!


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New Poem 7/1/13

I cry out for justice
Yelling until my voice cracks
Pounding my chest until my knuckles bleed
The blood
It streams down my body
Mixing in with my tears
Creating a pool underneath me

I cry out for justice
While they try and silence me
Try and frighten me
Try and discourage me
Try and keep me from my destiny

I cry out for justice
Hoping to ignite
Where is your fight?
Where is your passion?
Where. is. justice?

I'm searching for you

You've left the courtrooms
The Supreme Court needed you
I can't find you in the legislative sessions
10 hours I spent standing with Wendy
and I didn't see your face

Have you not upgraded your technology?
Cuz social media is running rampant
with hashtag lynchings
and Instagram strange fruits

I cry out for justice
Don't you hear me?
Don't you hear us?
Do you need more from us?

More protests? I'll get the picket signs
More calling lawmakers? I'll upgrade to 4G
Moe marches? My shoes will go to Selma , Alabama again or create a new route to Sanford, Florida
Just tell me what needs to happen for you to come back

I'm crying out for justice
Every day
Every night
Until there are no more tears left
Until there are no sounds that can come out of my mouth
and even then I won't be silent

No silence, never silence
I just need justice

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New Poem: Pointless Living in a Memory

So I stopped sharing pieces on here because I want you all to get excited about my upcoming book but I have been writing pieces here and there. I already have 2 more books in mind with titles. (Thankful for the inspiration and visions that are placed on my heart)

So here is a piece I finished today, enjoy:

Pointless living in a memory
Planting myself in soil that no longer harvests
Clothing myself in remnants of what were
Conjuring up specific images in my mind
And replaying them
Adding a few ingredients here and there to make the remembrance spell stronger
Reciting the sacred to bring it all back

Pointless living in a memory
Creating visual scrapbooks
With the highlights of us
That I flip through occasionally 
Calling like I used to 
Texting liked I used to 
Expecting like we are in the same space
we were...then

But it's pointless living in a memory
Our memory
it was amazing
No regrets
But it's just that...a memory
A recollection of the past
And in the present
I can't keep retrieving stored information

Time to create and live
Time to accept what it is
Cuz what I need and deserve now
Can't be fulfilled in the 
"back then when we"
or the "remember how we"

So now I sit still in peace
Content with the what and where things are
Unsure of what the future holds for me
But I know that for now
It's just pointless living in a memory

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Final 365 Days, 365 poems Sneak Peek

So on December 28, 2012 at 11:58 p.m. I finished my year long project of writing at least one poem everyday of the year of 2012. It was such a rewarding experience. I am so thankful to everyone who has supported me. I am thankful  for the experiences and the lessons learned throughout the year and I still have more to learn. This project has been amazing and I am excited to begin the process of editing it and publishing it. December 2013 be on the lookout for the release!

As a final sneak peek of the project, I wanted to share with you the 1st poem of the project and the last poem. Enjoy and if you want to see any more of the sneak peeks, take a look through my blog for more!!

January 1, 2012
He said I had a beautiful spirit
And then began to speak volumes of gracious words about me
I stood by in awe
Never knew our interactions made such an impact
Never knew that year afters seeing one another we could fall back into our communication as if time stood still
He said that we vibed on such a high level
And in that moment I stood speechless
He said I had a beautiful spirit
And as I reflect
I realize I have not fully seen what he sees in me
Have I gotten so far from myself
That the person he sees I can't find
Why can't I see her, feel her, know her
He said I had a beautiful spirit
And soon I hope once again to connect with her

December 31, 2012
10 minutes til
A new chapter
Another 365
And I
Wanted to reflect
On so much
All the experiences
The risks
The highs
The lows
I had thought
Of clever descriptions
And word metaphors
But at
9 minutes til
None of those things came to mind
Overwhelmed I am
By it all
And the only description I can put
"In spite of"
For this all began 
With His vision
His grace
His mercy
His "in spite of"
My insecurities
My flesh
My doubts
His "in spite of"
The times I turned my back on Him
7 minutes til
He is still there
And as tears stream down my face
Onto this page
I know that 
"In spite of"
A new year
He will continue
To show me the way
"In spite of"
The challenges I will face
He will guide
I began this journey
To find her
And even at
4 minutes til
I am not sure
If I fully know her
But she's there
In Him
And as I get closer to Him
I will find her
In spite of  it all
2 minutes til....