This past weekend was one of the most amazing, exhilirating, stressful, entertaining, wildest experiences ever! What began as a rocky start turned into a wonderful vacation. I got the chance to eat some good french cuisine and stay at a nice hotel. I think that the biggest thing that I can take away from the Paris experience is how much we stereotype a place and once you see it, you realize how wrong those stereotypes were. I remember thinking of Paris as this wonderfully romantic place with music everywhere. But when I got there, no music, gypsies, and grafitti. Don't get me wrong, Paris is still a beautiful place but I am grateful that I got to see more than just the tourist area. The random list from Paris is pretty long, but funny and I hope you guys enjoy it.
1. It's more expensive than free- The Eiffel Tower Hustle
2. Excuse me, you speak English- The opening lines of the gypsy encounter
3. I'm disillusioned, where are the mimes??- Erin
4. Oooo bun buns. Bonjour French bunnies!! -Erin when she saw rabbits outside our hotel
5. WTF- Erin looking at a towel strapped to a bed as a sheet at Hotel de Place
6. WTF???- everything at Hotel de Place
7. Where's the romance? (Cue accordian)- I said this on the metro station and as soon as I said it, a man walks onto the train and begins playing his accordian
8. The London Tube is definitely better than the Paris Metro
9. Grafitti?? Really Paris
10. We have to have at least one expensive French dinner
11. Is this the same unknown soldier known to God and Washington?
12. Eiffel Tower Hustle- So there are like 50 men outside the Eiffel who try selling you water, planes, Eiffel Tower mini's...ahhh it was horrid
13. Sooo if something happens we can jump out of the window
14. Is that black mold- Looking at the mold on the walls at Hotel de Place
15. Didn't Paris outlaw smoking 3 years ago in public places...just saying
16. Did he just drug us?
17. He has denim blue eyes- Kelundra commenting on the tour guide on the Batobus
18. Last day in Paris- do everything that we possibly can and of course miss our bus to get back to the hotel
19. So if we can't pay for the hotel room, Erin will be working at La Diva making her amateur debut
20. 2 person quartet singing horribly in French
21. Hippopatamus- French Applebee's
22. Observing 1st date of couple on train- A woman not interested in a man is obvious no matter what language they are speaking
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