Sooo I was searching again for more blogs to follow so that I can stay updated on what's going on with the arts but also and I think I just want to make more blog look more legit.. lol. (The more blogs I had the more people will take me seriously) Anyway I found another blog called BroadwayGirlNYC and from just reading her about me, I knew that I would like reading it. Her last post was on March 14, 2010 (yeah it has been a while) but regardless of the date there is a reason why I am bringing it up. Ok so Broadwayworld.com which from her post says is the largest theatre site on the Internet invited her to be a column writer on their website. They felt that she was the most popular independent Tweeter about theatre on the popular social networking service, Twitter. I think that is a pretty cool honor.
Then I found another blog: The ITBA (Independent Theater Bloggers Association) Below is their little schpill (hopefully you know what I was trying to say..well..type)
The ITBA (Independent Theater Bloggers Association) was formed in 2009 by a group of the most passionate theater bloggers on the World Wide Web. The members of the association blog about all aspects and all varieties of both commercial and non-profit theater, from big Broadway musicals performed in Times Square, to the most unique forms of entertainment performed off-off Broadway on the Lower East Side, as well as productions all over the country and all over the world. Together they see thousands of productions, and, without being paid or prodded, they write about them.
The Association was formed out of a desire to provide structure to the quickly growing theatrical blogosphere, as well as to give new media voices a chance to recognize excellence.
If I want, I can get more information about how I can join the ITBA and this got me to thinking "Could this blog thing be more?"
Yeah this started out as a class assignment but I think I am getting the hang out of it and I would not mind continuing this on to see where it could go. My professor Barry Hollander think that we as students should blog because it helps with our writing. So I think this could be a possibility.
So help me ladies and gentlemen: Could this blog thing be more? (And also check out the links I used in this post)
Keep on blogging!
ReplyDeleteYes, keep on blogging! How come Hollander gets a shout-out and not the Lab instructor making you blog?!?! hahaha. I'm just sayin...
ReplyDeleteDat's cause I give the final grade. Always shout-out the one with the power!
ReplyDeletehaha. So true. I guess I'll be more powerful next year with my own 3510 course.