Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Hello good people!
At this moment I am trying to think of a really clever way to introducing this blog but unfortunately, my brain is shut down for the day and no creative juices are flowing. This is really sad because this blog is all about creativity and expression. (mental note: please change the default profile look, not really expressing creativity) But anyway, welcome to Artonomics. To explain the title, I will have to start with my love for the arts. Currently I am a third year student at the University of Georgia pursuing a dual degree in Theatre and Public Relations. I love everything about the stageL writing, singing, dancing, music, acting...etc (you get the point). It is all I have ever done (well for at least I can remember). I used to participate in Oratorical contests, plays, joined theatre companies in my community, write shows, stage managed for shows. I have not done costume, makeup, of lighting design but hey I'm young. So that is beginning. As a student in Jour 3410 which is Newswriting and Reporting, I am required to start a blog about a topic that is newsworthy. After trying to think of different topics like health care, crime, diversity, sports, blah blah blah,(no offense to those who write blogs about the previously mentioned topics..still have love for you) I knew that only one topic mattered to me...THE ARTS!!! Now, to make it newsworthy. (serious voice) With the recent change in our economy, there have been a lot of changes in the budgets for arts programs across the nation. There is always a joke I have with my theatre friends about how the arts is always the first program to go in times such as these. I often laugh about this but deep down inside I am afraid for the future of our nation. As a lover for the arts, I am also an advocate. I truly believe that without the arts, our world is one sad place. Individuals need to be able to have an outlet to freely express themselves without judgement or fear. It is within the realms of the stage, that this free expression is granted and it is disheartening to see how others can so easily dismiss it. So here in a nutshell is Artonomics. For the next couple of weeks, join me in finding out the changes arts programs are going through because of the economy. I hope that this can be a collaborative exploration for I am not aware of everything that goes on in the arts realm but I want to so that I can better advocate for it. Bear with me, I am not to the blogging thing and I am not going to do daily updates, probably weekly. Oh and by the way my name is Bridgette.
Much love

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