So here is a piece I finished today, enjoy:
Pointless living in a memory
Planting myself in soil that no longer harvests
Clothing myself in remnants of what were
Conjuring up specific images in my mind
And replaying them
Adding a few ingredients here and there to make the remembrance spell stronger
Reciting the sacred to bring it all back
Pointless living in a memory
Creating visual scrapbooks
With the highlights of us
That I flip through occasionally
Calling like I used to
Texting liked I used to
Expecting like we are in the same space
we were...then
But it's pointless living in a memory
Our memory
it was amazing
No regrets
But it's just that...a memory
A recollection of the past
And in the present
I can't keep retrieving stored information
Time to create and live
Time to accept what it is
Cuz what I need and deserve now
Can't be fulfilled in the
"back then when we"
or the "remember how we"
So now I sit still in peace
Content with the what and where things are
Unsure of what the future holds for me
But I know that for now
It's just pointless living in a memory