Friday, May 21, 2010
It's a steep Hill, don't talk!
1. Stripper Juice- A conversation in which a study abroad classmate describes why he does not go to strip clubs
2. Flashback, Flash forward
3. Public Displays of Affection is a trend
4. It took me to travel to London to really understand God's grace in the smallest things (trees,rivers, lakes) It's the ragamuffin in me
5. Speaking of Ragamuffin, I am now reading The Ragamuffin Gospel, I encourage everyone to read it
6. I was in two hemispheres at one cool
7. No vending machines here
8. No free water,like where are the water fountains??...grrr ( I have never been so dehydrated in my life)
9. I am taking pictures of everything...sooo feel like a tourist but darn proud of it.
10. BBQ weather is 70 degrees, man people would not like Atlanta
11. War Horse is the best example of theater I have seen in a long time. it is coming to broadway soon so be on the lookout
12. About to see the Prime Meridian and the tour guide says "Its a steep hill, don't talk" What did we do? Talk and was definitely out of breath
13. Had my first American moment on London, people tried to cut in line when we reached the Prime Meridian...nope, it was not going to work
14. We stole a bad teenage boy's water gun, with a good reason, he was squirting water at every person who passed by how rude!
15. I have come to the conclusion that kids run the parents over here. I would dare not wander off in the park while my mom has a search party after me!
16. When I come home I am going to spend a week watching American tv, don't bother me. Man we only have 4 channels over here
17. I am going to be so sexy when I come back, I have walked all over London and I will be walking a whole lot more for the next three weeks who needs Weight Watchers when you visit London??
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hello good people! I know it has been a while since I have done a post but a lot has been going on, one of them being I AM IN LONDON YAAAAAYYY!! I have been over here for a week now and I have gotten pretty adjusted to everything here. I love this city and I especially love their appreciation for the arts. It is so a part of their culture like ... I dunno. I really can't think of antyhing that is really vital to the American culture like the way theatre is apart of the London culture. It is kind of sad but at the same time leaves me inspired to want to bring it to that level. Call me crazy but there is a possibility and I am a very optimistic person. (So there is hope) When I stop being optimistic, then run for the hills ladies and gentlemen... RUN! Anyway, I will be uploaded pics here and there of my experience. Maybe one pic a day that describes my day or something that interests me about the city. Also I have decided to start a "Random London List". This list will comprise of things I saw while traveling, random thoughts I had, or random things that I or some of my classmates have said. So I hope you enjoy the list and if there is a question about any of the items on the random list, just post a comment and I will explain. (Some might be inside jokes or things you would just have to be here to understand)
1. Kimberly Clark London
2. When she said 60 minutes, she really meant it.
3. I hope the thick girls are represented in your store- Passing by pictures of models on the walls of stores
4. Jammin to Maxwell on the Mp3 player ..missing my babe
5.Good things I brought batteries
6.Everybody is in black tights, London has really taken this trend to a whole new level
7. Why is it so loud? Clocks chimming, hammering outside my room, floors squeaking
8. Why is it so cold?
9. "People must eat out all the time"- Kelundra looking at our dishes in the kitchen
10. Why is there a picture of a deer on the wall?
11. £3.95 phone..gotta love it
12. "Hello I'm London and I'm cold!"-Kelundra
13. I'm studying the extracurricular activities of the Holy Ghost- London Assurance
14. What the deuce?
15. Father and daughter rock/paper/scissors moment on the tube
16. It's amazing how much the past dictates this city (both good and bad)
17. Yes,no, yes, no, yes...NOOOO! -George
18. They drive BMW's over here like they are Hondas-Kelundra
19.You Americans talk so freely, your language is veery loose and you talk so loud- Guard at Primark
20. I'm going to try to King's chocolate- Kelundra on buying Cadbury chocolate
21. I miss my smartphone..tear
22. Going over things we need at the grovery store Me- Clorox Wipes Kelundra- We also need a toilet seat warmer
23. Mind the Gap
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